B K Mohanty
Adjunct Professor
Areas of Interest: Multicriteria Decisions Making, Fuzzy Data Mining, Software Risk Management, Fuzzy Sets in e-commerce
Dr. Bhaba Krishna Mohanty is an accomplished academic and researcher specializing in Decision making. He is retired professor from IIM Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, where he had contributed to the field since 1995.
- Management Science in Practice
- Fuzzy Logic for Business Decision Making
- 1987, PhD, Operation Research, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
- 1982, PG Diploma, Mathematics & Ops. Res., Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
- 1980, M.Sc., Mathematics, Berhampur University
- 1978, B.Sc. (Hon), Maths (Hons), Phys. & Chem., Berhampur University
- 23 years, 2001 - 2023, Professor, Indian Institute of Manangement, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
- 6.5 years, 1995 - 2001, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Manangement, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
- 2.7 years, 1992 - 1995, Member of Technical Staff, Tata Research Development & Design Center, (R&D of TCS) Pune
- 4.2 years, 1988 - 1992, Associate Professor (Comp. & Systems), Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar
- 1 year, 1987 - 1988, Scientist, CFTRI (A CSIR Organization) Mysore
- B.K.Mohanty and Mahima Gupta, Product Selection in E-commerce under Fuzzy environment: A MADM Game Theoretic Model, International Journal of Game Theory Review, (Accepted).
- A. Chaudhry, B.K. Mohanty and K.N.Singh, Supply Chain risk assessment during new product development : a group decision making approach using numeric and linguistic data , Int. J. Production Research, 51(2013) pp 2790- 2804
- B.K.Mohanty and K.Passi, An agent based e-commerce system that reacts to buyers’ feedbacks- A Fuzzy approach, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 51(2010) pp948-963
- B.K.Mohanty, A preference structure on efficient points in a multiple criteria decision making problem – A Fuzzy approach, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 18(2010) pp 703-712
- B.K.Mohanty and B. Aouni, Product Selection in Internet Business- A Fuzzy Approach, International Transactions in Operations Research, 17(2010) 317-331.
- N. Karacapilidis and B.K.Mohanty, On the development e-business strategies: an integrated approach of Fuzzy logic and Game theoretic approach, Int. J. of Electronic Business, 4(2006), pp 483-499.
- B.K.Mohanty, A Multi-objective decision making model for e-business- A Fuzzy approach, International .J. Lateral Computing, 1(2005),pp 37 - 49.
- B.K.Mohanty and B.Bhasker, Product classification in the Internet Business - A Fuzzy Approach, Decision Support Systems, 38(2005), 611-61
- B.K.Mohanty, Assigning weights to Multiple Criteria- A Fuzzy Approach, J. of Fuzzy Mathematics, 6 (1998), pp 209-222.
- B.K.Mohanty, A Game Theoretic Procedure for Ranking Efficient Points of a Fuzzy Multi-objective Programming Problem, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 3 (1995) pp 529 -541r
Book Chapters:
- PROMETHEE: A Decision Support Tool for E-Business, in edited volume Fuzzy Logic and its applications in Technology and Management, Narosa Publications, 2006
- Making E-Business customer focused : A Fuzzy approach, ,in the book Managing World Wide Operations & Communications with Information Technology, Idea Group Inc, 2007
- Fuzzy logic in e-commerce: some problems and suggested solutions, in the book Enterprise Information Systems Technology, Macmillan India Publications, 2008.
- E-Business: a multiple attribute decision making problem under fuzzy environment, in the book Innovations in Information Systems and Technology Macmillan India Publications, 2009
- 'WEB BASED INFORMATION FOR PRODUCT RANKING IN E-BUSINESS-A FUZZY APPROACH', in the Proceedings of 8th International conference on Electronic Commerce, Association of Computing Machinery Publications, New York, 2006.
- 'Tranquillity and Anxiety in e-business: A fuzzy approach' in the Proceedings of International Conference on 'Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering', IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008.